Email marketing services - Email campaign | Seven Logik

Email marketing services

E-mail has totally changed the way we communicate and do business. Using e-mail allows businesses to reach out to clients more effectively. It’s an amazing tool to distribute company’s marketing or advertising communication to a specific list of potential or current clients. Having good e-mail marketing services can increase your company’s revenue and boost your marketing strategy.

You only have a few seconds to make a good impression online. Besides having a good site, it’s important to create content that attract clients in other platforms. This is where email marketing services come in handy. You can send a commercial message to a group of people via electronic e-mail. This generally occurs through advertisements, e-mail campaigns, sales, and donation solicitations, which helps keep customers informed and loyal to your company.

Why email marketing?

E-mail marketing services help you as a company reach target markets faster without having to invest on printing, radio, television or any other high production expenses. E-mail marketing software will help maintain an e-mail list that has been sorted out taking into consideration several factors including the length of time the addresses have been on the list, customers’ preference, spending habits, etc. These e-mails are sent to a specific target clientele in your e-mail list, giving them a personalized correspondence specifying services or information they may have requested or they may be interested in.

We know how to do email marketing to reach your audience

E-mail currently has one of the highest ratings in all the marketing channels. Nevertheless, your campaigns must be relevant to your subscribers otherwise they will browse through your site without clicking on the CALL, BUY NOW or JOIN US button. This is where a personalized approach comes in handy. Research shows that companies using a more personalized approach to e-mail marketing are getting a higher click-through rate and generating 6 times more sales from their e-mail campaigns.

Email newsletter

Newsletters are very important because they show your knowledge to current clients and/or potential clients with relevant content that reminds them why they chose you. Design is also important: logo, text, images, etc. will make your company stand out. You must remember that e-mail has become a secluded place from the ruthless social media crowd therefore you should keep it friendly and use good manners.

It’s important to remember terminology. E-mail blasts are not the same as e-mail newsletters. Blasts generally don’t see as much return on their efforts and a negative impact on clicks, conversions, unsubscribes, and so on. Also, e-mail blasts are generally seen as spam since this term is not associated with a subscriber-focus approach. The “one size fits all” method simply won’t work because of several reasons:

  • No breakdown
  • No relevancy
  • Not being able to test it
  • No optimization
  • Lacks sensitivity to the clients

Some of the common benefits of an e-newsletter include:

  • Boost your company’s reputation and increases leads.
  • It helps create long-lasting relationships with clients and promotes commitment to your company.
  • It empowers your marketing efforts.
  • You can measure your results.
  • Your clients can easily and quickly interact with you.
  • It’s a cost-effective communication medium.
  • They are sent to a more receptive audience therefore you will have a higher response rate.
  • You can quickly identify what works and what doesn’t work on your targeted audience.

Marketing offers: Announcements and Promotions

People are bombarded by marketing all over the internet and the last thing they want is read another URGENT e-mail. Depending on what your company is selling you will share specific products or services and treat your clients’ e-mail addresses with special regards. It’s all about expectations. You can set the tone. Don’t make false promises as it will lead your marketing goals to failure. The first follow-up e-mail is crucial and it should be sent immediately with a big THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING US and details about what to do next. Send only relevant offers based on the client’s preference or buying habits.

Event invitations

Launching an event is a lot of work. Regardless of whether it’s a networking event, a conference, or a launch event, your attendees will determine the success of your event. One of the most useful ways to invite your audience is through e-mail. This is a different type of campaign where the attendees will be encouraged to join you in the celebration. It’s simple. You tell your subscribers about the upcoming event and provide a friendly and engaging call to action.

Some things to keep in mind when sending an e-mail invite:

  • Have a targeted list: this means geographic location as the event will be held on a specific location and time. Inviting those nearby will increase your chances of success.
  • Help them take the next step and commit with an outstanding call to action.
  • Don’t forget the time, location, and dress code otherwise people will become disinterested and won’t be able to decide if they can make it.
  • Have a detailed description of the event. This is exactly what will happen during the event.
  • Break the ice. Erase all doubts from their minds and reduce all anxiety by including testimonials, pictures of past events, etc.
  • Clearly state the reasons why your clients or business partners should attend that event.

Targeted email advertising campaigns

Advertising campaigns can be a complete success through electronic e-mail. You should always inspire your clients and keep them on coming back to you. There are a few elements to keep in mind in order to have a successful email advertising campaign:

  • Segmentation or targeting: Segmenting your e-mails will improve your clickthroughs. This is necessary since your clients have different interests, live in different geographic locations, and don’t come from the same sources.
  • Relevancy or personalization: Create content relevant to your business goals and target audience. Use calls to action to engage your clients. You can also customize the e-mail with the intended recipient’s name, title, or any other relevant information.
  • Deliverability: Have a clean list and maintain a good sender reputation so your e-mail gets where it needs to go.
  • Testing and timing: Test what’s the best timing to send your campaigns and trigger e-mails. Segmentation results are tested by open rate, view rate, delivery rate, sales conversion, and click-through rate.
  • Optimization: Evaluate the results, improve your approach, and calculate return on investment.

Building an email marketing list

There are many ways to grow your e-mail marketing list. It’s important to consider first that the e-mail marketing list will downgrade about 20% every year. People change addresses, others will opt out of your e-mail communication, or delete their e-mail account and open a new one. You must be constantly adding fresh contacts to your list so the numbers keep on moving up in the right direction. Some ways to do this include:

  • Create extraordinary e-mail content that will inspire people to forward it to their contacts. Include a “Subscribe” CTA so that people receiving the forward can subscribe easily.
  • Try promoting contests with free giveaways, discounts, etc. and remember to promote this on Social Media.
  • Generate several e-mail subscription categories. This will increase the options clients have and increase chances that visitors will subscribe.
  • Send an opt-in message to old contacts that opt-out for them to re-opt-in. This will encourage more engagement.

Choose the type of email campaign

The first thing is choosing the type of campaign you want to create. There are a few campaign types you can choose from depending on the campaign’s purpose:

  • Service e-mails: This is one of the most common and simple categories of e-mails. It’s simply inviting your clients to repeat business. There are generally promotional items, e-newsletter, or e-mail courses.
  • E-newsletters: This is generally distributed once a month or more depending on your audience. It’s the most viewed e-mail as people have already subscribed to it. Newsletters will contain company information, up-to-date services or products, useful articles, company news, offers, and giveaways.
  • Press rereleases: This helps distribute your latest company information. Perhaps there is a new product you would like to add to your business, announce an event coming up, classes, seminar, etc. This is the perfect strategy to blast it out there. Press releases can also be attached to the newsletter.
  • Surveys: They help you find out about any common problems or challenges your users are experiencing.
  • Invitations: This is a special invite to an event coming up. Keep invitations short, friendly, and to the point. You can invite your clients to check out improvements to your website, a teleseminar or an online class without requiring a lot of time.
  • Thank you: When your clients purchase something, send a thank you e-mail. You can also add related products to this e-mail too.

It’s important to track results on your e-mail campaigns and see what works best for you and your clients. Change it from time to time and keep it fun and interesting. Keep on trying different approaches until you find the right one.

Personalize your message

In order to personalize your message you have to first think about your audience. Once you get to know your audience it will become easier to communicate with them. A few things can be personalized like for example:

  • From name: According to research this is the first thing people look before deciding if they are interested in opening your e-mail. You can use a specific font to make it stand out. Also, special software can help you change the From Name so that your subscribers see different names or the name of the person they are dealing with.
  • Subject Line: This is the second most noticeable component in the inbox. Choose a line that will have a remarkable effect on open rates and make it stand out with a darker, heavier text. Using your client’s first name in the subject line can also increase the probability of the e-mail being opened.
  • Content: Think about what your subscribers are looking for or why they signed up for, then concentrate on conveying that to them. You can outline everything first and put together a newsletter with things such as future events, photos, links to posts on social media, company news, introducing new employees, promotions, etc. These are only a few things you can include in your campaign.
  • Design: This can be accomplished with images to better appeal to a specific audience in a specific location.

Email marketing automation

This is basically software and tactics that will allow your company to buy and sell. It will help you target varied customers. Small business generally don’t benefit from this type of software. Organizations with more varied customer base can benefit more with this type of software. The more diverse customers you have the more each of your clients will benefit from this unique advertising approach. Some companies like to expand their services or add new products. This marketing approach is perfect for that. Your customers can be segmented into separate groups and a good marketing automation software can help you tailor your advertising approach to each one, and serve them on a broader scale without having to use a great deal of manual campaign setup. Also, you can monitor the results and see what e-mails people are opening, who is clicking, how well content is engaging your audience, and where it ranks on search engines. E-mail marketing automation generates significant revenue and delivers outstanding results.

How effective is email marketing?

According to research, plain e-mail marketing is still more effective than social media and many other marketing tools that attract clients to your online business. E-mail is efficient because it’s permission-based. The people that subscribed are already in and they are always connected to your business, even more now with the availability of tablets and smart phones. E-mail is one of the first things people check on their phones. This is one of the primary reasons why e-mail marketing is one of the greatest customer-acquisition approaches. People tend to sort through e-mails quite fast on their mobile devices therefore your strategy must be powerful enough to grab your audience’s attention otherwise you will end up in the trash folder.

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