Mobile app development services - IOS, Android, Windows | Seven Logik

Mobile app development services

Mobile applications platforms are very popular these days. Whether they are used on smart phones or tablets they are an essential part of everyday life and a very important advertising tool. Mobile app development services make information easily accessible but it’s vital to remember the app needs to work on several platforms. Going mobile is essential to the future of your business. With the help of mobile app development services customers all around the world will stay connected with you 24/7.

Boost your online presence by creating a mobile app

Having a mobile app for your company will make a really good impression on your business and add prestige. This will allow clients to open the app and purchase your products or request your services with ease. Some of the benefits creating a mobile app can provide include:

  • It helps strengthen your brand
  • Being able to connect with clients on-the-go
  • Build reliability
  • Increase visibility
  • Have more accessibility
  • More exposure across mobile devices
  • Help increase sales

Customers will also reap multiple benefits:

  • Have easy access to contact information.
  • Have access to inventories.
  • Get notified of special events, launches, and discounts.
  • Easier appointment scheduling
  • Get directions from their location

Custom mobile application development for any platforms

Developing for multiple platforms will eventually give you more exposure and make you and your company stand out from the crowd. Users have multiple devices therefore it’s indispensable they are provided with a reliable experience across all platforms.

IOS app development

Creating a custom made OIS app can be very advantageous. Companies and individuals are often astonished by their productiveness. Apple is known to be a pioneer of powerful design and excellence in smartphones. The layout is central to adoption and the tools easy to use and design. iOS app development can be simplistic yet comprehensive.

There are a variety of IOS applications we develop. You can choose from several categories:

  • Travel Apps
  • Real Estate Apps
  • Business Apps
  • Entertainment Apps

  • Life Style Apps
  • Health and Fitness Apps
  • Social Networking Apps
  • Education Apps
IOS app development

A number of tools are provided by Apple to help developers build Mac and iOS apps. Some reasons why to choose iOS to develop include:

  • It’s a closed platform: This means that Apple is in control of all its devices and software. There is a limited number of devices that support iOS and even new Apple devices aren’t that different from their previous hardware versions. Device fragmentation for Android is worst since a lot of people use Android. This will be more costly because the app has to be optimized for many screen sizes and OS’s, and it also needs to be tested to make sure it works properly.
  • The iTunes App store is user friendly and there is also a great star rating system that allows users to effortlessly review the app. Apps are organized using categories and a complex algorithm which integrates downloads and possibly active users. Unlike iOS, Android apps can be downloaded from multiple stores; Amazon, Google Play, or independent app stores. This is a great advantage for the consumer since he or she will have more options but it also creates inconsistency between the rankings and the reviews, which is one of the first things consumers look for.
  • More revenue: Although Android has higher downloads than iOS, revenue on iTunes App Store is 60% higher when compared to the largest Android App Store. Some of the reasons why is because iOS is generally more expensive and attracts people willing to pay the money. Also, they don’t have market share on developing countries where Android succeeds with cheaper prices. On top of that, iOS is a closed system harder to pirate. This is a common practice on the Android platform, which causes a negative effect on the revenue.

Android app development

Although there is no doubt that Apple is an attractive place for developers, competition tells a different story. This market is growing fast and there are currently less barriers to entry in Android. Designs can be tested quicker on Android, and the marketing costs are much lower than iOS. Some reasons you may want to develop with Android first include:

  • A lot of research shows that the Android platform is larger and growing much faster than iOS.
  • New apps can break faster into the market with Android since there are alternate paths to find these apps.
  • Discoverability: The search capabilities of iOS are limited. Google Play provides a better search capability.
  • Acquisition costs are much lower: Apps require promotion and marketing resources, which can be cheaper on Google Play.
  • Privacy concerns: Android has a standard mechanism consistent with how marketers have been doing things for more than 15 years.
  • Reliable Ad Attribution: The referrer-based mechanism Android uses is explicit and offers a reliable mechanism for marketing attribution.
  • Open source: Android is open in a number of ways. People can basically take that source code and create custom operating systems from it.

There are a several Android application categories you can choose from:

Android app development

  • Restaurant App
  • Retail and Fashion App
  • Shopping and E-Commerce Apps
  • Social Media and Social Networking Apps

  • Education Apps
  • Health, Fitness and Lifestyle Apps
  • Several other categories

Windows application development

Although Microsoft is more popular on desktops and rarely used on cell phones, in recent years they have also invested on cloud and mobile products. Mobile development is important, but they don’t focus on hardware only. Some of the favorable changes Microsoft has implemented over the last years include:

  • Office-specific apps, which are now available on Android Tablet, iPad, and iPhone.
  • Phones and Surface tablets are now published.
  • All devices (Xbox, desktop, tablet, mobile) are now brought together under one platform with Windows 10.

The surface Pro has become as popular as the Apple iPad and the Lumia phones are outstanding when it comes to their digital cameras. The problem is that Microsoft has fallen behind the competition and it will take some time and wise investment to catch up.

Mobile app advantages for business

Mobile apps are not only for big name brands. Small and midsize businesses are now also taking advantage of this amazing opportunity as it helps companies take a step forward in their marketing strategy. Some of the benefits of having a mobile app for your business include:

  • More visibility
  • Have a direct marketing channel
  • Offer value to your clients
  • Build brand and recognition
  • Increase user engagement
  • Be more noticeable
  • Build long-term client relationships

Why you should choose Seven Logik?

Seven Logik developers have more than 20 years of experience developing solutions for individuals and businesses just like you. We support different development approaches, build performance, offer a strong safety and authentication framework, and never compromise user experience. We know what it takes to attract clients in the digital world. Mobile apps are a simpler and more efficient way for customers to get in touch with you wherever they are. Through mobile app services you will be able to offer discounts, have a better customer service and support system, and automatically share anything with your clients. All these things combined and much more will help you grow as a business and expand your horizons.

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